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Ever since mobile phones went smart, businesses have focussed on optimizing websites to be responsive, in order to cater to the mobile audience. This has now gone one step further, and brands are tapping deeper into the market by building mobile applications. Seems simple enough, right? Obviously, the best way to stay connected with the world that is constantly on the go, is by going mobile. But it is not that simple. Read on to find out how you can improve the user experience of your mobile application and why it is important that you do so.

Keep It Native

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People are most comfortable working with something they already know, and going native can provide that sense of comfort. With native UI elements, users will intuitively know how to operate the app and the chances of staying engaged with the app increases, thereby increasing conversion rates.

Keep It Simple

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Complicated functionalities are a major turn-off for mobile users. If your users are forced to spend time trying to figure out basic functionalities off your app, they may get frustrated and leave. A minimalistic design with simple functionalities is what keeps the users engaged.

Keep It Consistent

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Your users will have an expectation from your brand, based on how they have interacted with you via your website. Ensuring that the mobile app experience is in-line and recreates that familiar experience will help your users by keeping things convenient. Frequent design changes or app updates that require the users to spend more time to perform an action is not a good idea.

Keep It Search-Friendly

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The importance of powerful search functionality in a mobile app is often underestimated. Search is easily among the top three most used features in any app, and hence a feature that must not be overlooked. It not only improves the app usability but also ensures better customer engagement.

Keep It Creative

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Apps are aplenty today, and installing or uninstalling them is based on a split-second decision. Keeping your app’s UX creative is as important as marketing it in an appealing way. People fall for gimmicks, but it is the eventual experience that makes them stay with you. Finding innovative ways to offer value addition to your users can ensure that they love your app and keep using it.

Keep It Bug-Free

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Nobody likes seeing error messages, and when it ends up costing a successful sale, it should be prevented at all costs. Testing your app frequently can ensure that you deliver a seamless experience to your users which in turn keeps them loyal to your brand.
Long story short, a user-friendly mobile app with custom features and consistent, hassle-free performance can do wonders for your business by keeping your customers engaged. While all these may seem pretty simple, they are quite difficult to execute. There is also the question of whether to go the Android, iOS or the cross-platform way. That is where a good mobile application development agency comes in.

At Parel, when we develop a mobile application for our client, we take into consideration factors like their business model, user base, intention behind the app (which can include ecommerce, customer support, loyalty program, workflow management and so much more), and other requirements specified. Take a peek into the diverse range of applications we have built to see how we have delivered kickass mobile applications.

Whether you are a small, medium or large business, looking to build an app, talk to us about your needs, concerns, and confusions. We have built mobile apps for Android, iOS as well as cross-platform, and our clients have loved them!

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