Take a good look around! One can easily count up at least five different logos without much effort. They are all around us and they help in building a distinct identity in your consumers’ mind and is essential for the growth of a business. What makes these symbols so notable and iconic? Look at it this way, when you think of brands like Apple, Baskin Robins or even of the car manufacturing giant BMW you get a picture of their logo in your mind. It’s because these logos are subconsciously embedded in your mind, it has become one of the ways we identify a brand.
Therefore logos have a simple task that is to identify the business, service or even an individual that it’s designed for. No matter what type of business, service or organization you are running, giving your visitors a great first impression is what means the most. And what better way to deliver a lasting impression other than through the use of an attractive logo and charming design works.
Hence keep in mind to exert every effort into making your company or brand logo memorable. In the case of building up a brand, there is nothing better than your company image, so there are a lot of things to keep in mind while you design one. The logo you design will be the face of your business thereafter. Thus with a very unique and creative logo, the initial stepping stones or foundations are set for your business. For perfect company logo design, you don’t have to spend tons of money but with the right professional help you can get the perfect logo done without emptying your pockets. So let’s dig in to know more about how a logo helps your company stand out and brings your business to life.
1. The More Your Business Gets Noticed The Better
Training and experience, these are the two most important traits that a professional design team have that sets them apart. What’s the use if you have creative logo designs in mind, but no tools to implement them or you got the best tools but lack in ideas. That’s when a professional agency comes handy with the right tools and equipment they can build you a creative logo that will make your brand stand out. The most important job of a logo is to help customers and visitors identify your company, that’s why it’s best to keep the logos straightforward and catchy.
2. Be Prominent Among Competitors
With the use of color and graphics, your logo should reflect your overall business. Therefore one of the best parts of a logo is that it can only be unique to your business. If you’re aiming to be able to stand out with your business among competitors, you can begin with making your logo appealing to visitors hence gain a major recognition. As a result, you have an opportunity to make a unique first impression. Often, a logo is one of the first images a visitor notices besides your company’s name.
3. Logos Can Be Everywhere
A creative logo is best not only just for your website, and that’s the best thing about a logo it can reside on a variety of materials or be displayed on different media. Such as for your branding, products, brochures, packaging, social media etc. It’s one of the ways to etch your brand identity into peoples mind wherever they are, in a store, home, office or online. On the other hand, a creative logo can serve as a tool for a new brand strategy it can give you many ways to brand your business and can redefine a company’s image to consumers. A creative logo is best not only just for your website, and that’s the best thing about a logo it can reside on a variety of materials or be displayed on different media. Such as for your branding, products, brochures, packaging, social media etc. It’s one of the ways to etch your brand identity into peoples mind wherever they are, in a store, home, office or online. On the other hand, a creative logo can serve as a tool for a new brand strategy it can give you many ways to brand your business and can redefine a company’s image to consumers.
Here are some of the logos we created that can surely inspire you.
Micro-Donating App/Website. The logo was designed to work in a variety of dimensions and platforms.
Charity society working with orphans and the elderly.
A computer hardware and software dealership.
Cafe serving gourmet coffees.
A church based in Singapore.
Online shop selling watches and rings.
Photographer based in Singapore. Logo representing his personality.
Representing the ‘S’ and the 3 pillars the association is founded upon.
Asia Tuneling & Construction.
Concept for a Mentoring society where members help each other improve.
The theme for the year was Re-Inventing Science. A new take on the classic Newton and Apple scene.
Pet shop and grooming store for dogs.