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Ever wondered why your business seems not to be performing considerably well among competitors? Or why traffic to your website keeps on decreasing with time. If these issues are troubling you, have you checked your sites search performance in Google lately? You might be wondering how much can a search engine change in a year, the answer is; a lot! Google keeps on changing their algorithm over and over, to be precise around 50–60 confirmed changes each year. These changes in an algorithm can really affect your business, if you do not change along with it because each new update is designed to make search results better for users. So if you don’t make the relevant changes your site gets pushed down to the bottom. The above chart by WebpagesFX shows the number of updates google make each year. This change in algorithms has cited to become one of the biggest obstacles to SEO success. Nevertheless, if you run a business and rely entirely on your website you better carve up some really great techniques to bring your website to the top of Google. Because if you’re not on the first page of Google rankings, then you got a long way to go! Studies show that the first page of Google receives almost 95 percent of all web traffic, that means you can imagine the amount of traffic the consecutive pages have. Therefore let us break it for you, if your business is not performing well as expected, get it to the top of google search traffic and see the results. Well, how do my site rank top on google? Here are a few steps that can surely help your business rank on google.

1. Google Might Not Have Indexed Your Website

If you’ve recently come up with a new website or you haven’t got any inbound links, it can take pretty much time for a search engine to update search results. Google might take some time to really understand what’s on your site and what your services are all about, an easy way to overcome this is by uploading an XML sitemap. A sitemap shows Google exactly what’s on your site by listing out all your services. An XML sitemap can be created and uploaded to your site using XML Sitemap Generator.

2. Make Sure Your Website is Mobile Friendly

Over the years, the importance of mobile seems to be increasing and users want to do everything on their mobile devices. A recent study has shown that about 30% of all active Facebook users access the site exclusively through mobile. The above graph by QuestionPro shows how much mobile usage has affected internet over the years. The steady rise in mobile users clearly tells that there is a steady increment in the future also. Therefore the most important thing to keep in mind while designing a website is to make sure that your site follows a responsive web design. If so make sure that your website keeps full functionality across all mobile devices and uses.

3. Keep Track Of Your Site Speed

Even if your on-page SEO, meta description, or title tags are entirely optimized it all goes down the tube if your site load speed is too low. Suppose your webpage takes anything more than a few seconds of loading time, then you could definitely lose some potential customers. As there are hundreds of competitors out there who can get the results much faster. Therefore never take chances that can cause you to lose a significant amount of web traffic. PageSpeed Insights is one of those tools that can help you analyze your website loading speed and guide you correct all the error that slows your website down. If your website load speed is below 50, your website is really slow and you need to work on improving it.

4. Research And Use Relevant Keywords

Some might say that keywords don’t hold the same level of importance they did a few years ago. That said, keyword research is still an essential element for an effective inbound marketing strategy. Do a thorough research and pinpoint just the keywords that your target audience is using to find your site or any competitor site. Therefore make sure you are targeting lesser competitive keywords for your business, keywords that are not too broad but are just perfect for your business. These keywords can be distributed over multiple areas like blogs, website content, social media etc. Always keep in mind that it doesn’t stop with having your website optimized to get to the first page of Google. It needs to be constantly managed and updated such that it follows the latest google algorithms. These were some of the few steps that could help your business rank on google, trust us there are a lot more. Contact us if you need to know more on google rankings and how to get your website to the top.

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