Being a digital marketing agency we’ve been asked a lot about it and also its just what most of our clients want. The fuel that keeps their online market running and business healthy, yup you’ve guessed it right: Traffic. Things have changed a lot over the years when the SEO perspective was less competitive and it was not such a difficult task to drive traffic to your site. But nowadays Google search results have turned out to be stuffed with Keywords, that its even difficult to rank niche requirements. “So how will I get people to notice my business?” “How can I ever rank among my competitors?” “Is this going to be the end of my business?”. We understand that these questions are enough to drive you mad but fret not, that’s where Social Media comes in handy! Certain reports have shown that Social media has matched if not surpassed search engines in some cases as a means to reach relevant and larger audience.But before all that, there might be some questions lingering through your mind. “With all these recent issues with Facebook, how safe is your data? Will people still keep using it? Wouldn’t the stats start to tumble now?”. Here is what Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had to say about all that:
With nearly 2.2 billion people who are active at least on a monthly basis and 1.4 billion logins per day, Facebook is not going anywhere, anytime soon. Having that cleared, let’s cut to the chase and get you on the right track on how to take advantage of Facebook and have your business noticed.
1. Keep Track Of Your Page Insights
Posting contents and keeping your business page updated is equally as important as knowing when to post. Posting without understanding your audience or the type of content that’ll keep them engaged, is simply like going in circles. For this Facebook has a powerful and absolutely free analytics tool- The Facebook Page Insights. These Insights let you determine when a large percentage of your audience is on Facebook, and this information will let you know the best time of day or week to post. Hence, you can get a grip on what type of content is most popular among your audience and put more effort into generating such posts. At the end of the day, the ultimate aim of insights is to take the previous data and create something meaningful for your clients.
2. Use Facebook Paid Advertising
Facebook paid advertising is one of the most powerful forms of promotion on Facebook. Apprehending how to leverage Facebook ads in order to reach your target audience is becoming a staple part of almost every social media strategy. There are times when you put your best posts out there and hardly anyone notices it. Hence, Facebook has made it clear that you’ll have to pay for reach with Facebook Ads. Before you run a campaign, decide what is important for your business right now and if the ad will get recognition, or else it’ll be a complete waste of your money. Spending money and reaching your audience can be fun and exciting but if you don’t know what you’re trying to achieve the only thing you’ll get out of it is- frustration.
3. Keep Your Followers engaged With Facebook Contest
Facebook contests do not only keep your existing followers engaged and improve organic reach but they can also help you to find new followers and customers. Contests are yet another great way to get visitors appreciate what you do because not only does this reward them but also it creates a sense of excitement and will get users to visit your Facebook page frequently to check the results. Yet, the best thing about it is that you never run out of ideas on contests, different Facebook contests can be structured to target the different products or services. Always keep in mind to follow the Facebook Contest Rules while setting up a contest and make sure that your promotion doesn’t violate any of Facebook’s rules.
4. Focus More On Quality And Not Just Quantity
Recently Facebook has introduced a new algorithm which prefers the quality of posts over quantity. In other words, they prefer to give more priority to bringing people closer than bringing your business closer to people! The new algorithm wants to help Facebook users have more meaningful interactions on the platform by making sure they’re seeing content from family, friends, and relevant branded content.
So if you wish to improve your Facebook traffic, the first step is to familiarize yourself with these new changes. As you start to invest more in quality, you’ll put your Facebook page in a more reputable position. Remember – it’s better to use a product that has quality rather than cycle through a dozen that can’t stand the test of time.
At the end of the day, it’s not difficult to grow your audience on Facebook or be it any other social media platforms. With the right strategies and assistance from professional’s in the field, you could do twice better than your competitors. If you still seem to be stressed with your business page or if you’re a newbie to social media, give us a call and let us get things sorted out for you.