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Blogging is certainly not an easy task, especially keeping others engaged with written content in a society where people are more attracted to videos, images, and infographics. So at some point in time, every blogger faces the same issue, a sudden halt of visitors to your blogs which makes you wonder, “What did I do wrong?”. If you too are in the same situation, don’t worry, it happens to most of us at some point. If you are looking for qualified and reliable search traffic to your blog posts but don’t know where to begin, this post is going to help you get there.

1. Provide Link To Other Blogs

When you are writing a blog post you’re naturally linking out to people, may it be tech related blogs, travel blogs or even food blogs. If you are not, it means that you’re not citing your sources, you don’t have references in there and it won’t make you seem like an expert. For example if you use any statistics or studies in your blog, link out to where you actually got it from, by linking out to other websites it will help you get more traffic and potential clients.

2. Share Your Content On All Your Profiles

Sharing your content on all your profile does not mean sharing your content once on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter right after you complete writing it and then leave it there. When you share a blog post on social media, make sure you write a small description along with it, the content must be appealing and short so that visitors can notice what it is about, in a glance. Sharing a blog post doesn’t mean it is a one time process, digital marketing expert Neil Patel shares his blog post on Twitter, 6 times a year which brings in more visitors. If you avoid reposting it frequently and stick on to posting the same content once every two months it won’t be considered as spam.

3. Comment Is King

One of the most trustworthy ways of keeping your audience engaged is to respond to their comments and keep the blog post active. Comments do not necessarily have to be the ones on your blog but also the comments on your social media shares( the blog posts that you’ve shared). The concept of comments is something that most of the marketers are not aware off, especially that if you look at social networking algorithms, a comment has more emphasis than a like. We all would have seen on Facebook that there are tags such as Your friend has commented on so and so, this is because comments are much valued in social networking algorithms.

4. Update Your Content

Posting a blog on your website doesn’t mean that it ends with that; if you search for a topic you get thousands of results, there’s literally content related to everything under the sun. Therefore you would really want to keep your content up to date because Google now has the option to show only the latest contents out there. Google never lacks content to index nor are they going to show contents that are 5 years old no matter how related they are to the searching Keyword. Thus keeping your blog posts up to date is something you really need to do because, if it is new and fresh it gets better traffic. So take the time to go through all your popular posts and update them. Consistency is also the key when it comes to contents. You might not get overnight results with these tips, but you will eventually get fresh visitors to your blog, therefore boost your conversion rate, and build a sustainable business. If you’re interested in learning more about blogging or would like to have a substantial online presence for your business; contact our digital marketing experts and we’ll be more than glad to help.

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