How To Do The SEO Of Your Website

Do you think doing SEO for a new website would be hard?

But as an experienced digital marketing company, we can tell you SEO isn’t that complicated as you think. It’s pretty simple if you know it – at least the basics.

But don’t have the basic knowledge to get started?

No worries, here we’ll take a look at some of the basic things you need to know in regards to using SEO to boost your site’s organic rankings.

But before that, you will need to know why your website will need SEO and how much SEO contributes to your website’s traffic. Without further ado, let’s look into that first.

Why SEO?

If you’re reading this article, it’s clear that you know that you need SEO. But other than improving your website’s overall ranking and searchability, does it offer any additional value? Well, a study by ‘BrightEdge’ clearly answers this by stating that 53.3% of all website traffic comes from organic search.

That means, when half of your potential clients are using organic search to find your business, it’s high time you implement some innovative SEO strategies. So, now let’s get started about the five fundamental steps for doing SEO for your website.

Step #1: Research On Your Customer’s Thinking Pattern

A deep research on what your customers are searching for on the Internet is instrumental in providing clues on optimising your website the right way.

Figuring out the most relevant keywords is an essential step in this. The best way to do this is by manually performing a search and jotting down the common keywords that appear in the SERP.

For example, imagine that you own a digital marketing agency in Kerala, India. Then it doesn’t need a lot of intelligence to guess that your potential clients are probably searching with keywords like:

  • ‘digital marketing agency in Kerala’
  • ‘digital marketing company in Kerala’
  • ‘digital marketing services in Kerala’

Now, go to Google and begin typing a query with each of these keywords in the search box, but never hit the ‘Enter’ key. Google will immediately list out some extra search terms (as shown below?) that people have used. Collect them too, and include all of these keywords in the title tags to get a higher organic ranking.

You can also use content marketing efficiently to promote these keywords. Content marketing includes writing blogs, e-books, articles, etc.

Need assistance from experienced content marketers to promote your selected keywords? Connect with us now!

Step #2: Optimise Your Web Pages For The Search

After the keyword research, you need to make sure your web pages are structured well to rank for the keywords you selected.

This can be attained by giving due importance to maintaining a simple website design and removing irritable website elements. Along with these, there are certain other crucial factors that need consideration. Some of them are listed below:

  • Create content that aligns withsearch intent”.

Search intent is nothing but the “why” behind a search query. If you want to rank today in Google, you need to produce content that aligns with these “why”. For instance, if you are trying to rank for the keyword “best digital marketing agency,” don’t just try to shoehorn your webpage into the Search Engine Results Page. Instead, share what a user wants to see when they search for a query. Most probably, people will prefer blog posts, comparison charts, infographics, and more.

  • Use short, descriptive URLs.

Consider constructing URLs in a manner that is understandable to humans. Try to include readable words rather than long or random numbers. You could also attempt to include your target keyword in the URLs but never stuff keywords if they seem unnatural.

  • Create compelling meta titles and descriptions.

Our digital marketing experts suggest keeping your titles and descriptions under 60 and 155 characters, respectively. Also, try to include your most important keywords in them.

  • Use headers and subheaders.

Use the conventional format for headers – H1 to H6. H1 should be reserved for the major title of your content and should include the main keyword you are focussing on. H2, at the same time, should be used for the remaining titles of different sections on your page. You can also include keywords in them for which you want to rank. Now, as you go deeper in your content, you can use H3 for subheadings within each section and so on.

  • Optimise your images.

To help Search Engines understand your images, our SEO experts advise you to use the “alt tags” to describe and explain them. In WordPress, you can do this using the Alternative Text field. If you are not using WordPress, you have to add the tag manually.

⭐Related Reading: The Importance Of Keywords For Your Website

Step #3: Make Your Website Accessible To Both Bots And Humans

Your target audience might be humans, but there can be times when these might include the bots which search engines use to index your website. Therefore, it’s necessary to do your website’s SEO keeping in mind both these “customers”.

Creating pages optimized for both of them at the same can be challenging. However, here are a few tips to help you do it:

  • Ensure your website loads faster and is mobile friendly.
  • Create a sitemap that lists all the web pages of your website. This might not directly affect your rankings, but it allows search engines to find and index pages on your website quickly.
  • Upload a robots.txt file to guide search engines on the parts of the site they should and shouldn’t index.
  • And finally, have strategic linking throughout your website. It enables the search engines to showcase your website’s most relevant pages according to the search queries.

Step #4: Build Strong Backlinks

Link building is crucial for SEO success. As per a detailed study by ‘Ahrefs‘ (depicted in the graph below?), backlinks are estimated to be a major factor in influencing Google’s ranking algorithm.

*Referring domains, otherwise known as ‘linking domains’, are external websites that contain backlinks, which will direct visitors to your specific web pages.

Not only that, in an article by ‘Search Engine Land‘, one of Google’s officials revealed that backlinks are one of the top 3 search ranking factors. With such whopping facts, it’s really important to build links as much as possible. So, check out our latest article, Seven Ways To Get Quality Backlinks, and learn more about link building.

Step #5: Tracking Your SEO Strategies

Now, after putting in all the efforts, it’s time to track your SEO success. But how would you measure your performance? There are infinite ways and metrics to measure your result but beware of choosing the most suitable ones; else, you will find it confusing to interpret the results.

However, the advice from our SEO experts is – to focus on the most important metrics – organic traffic and the ranking position of your targeted keywords. There are many SEO tools out there for these, but as per our opinion, Google Analytics and Google Search Console are the best ones to start to view your organic traffic and ranking positions, respectively.

Let’s Sum Up!

So, right, on that note, let’s finish it up. Obviously, we haven’t spoken about everything you can do to help your website’s SEO, but this is at least a solid foundation. You can start from here, and add up new techniques over time, so as to get even more traffic with SEO.

In the meantime, if you want assistance from experienced digital marketing consultants, do get in touch. We are one of the best digital marketing companies with branches in Kerala, India, and Singapore. We have dedicated teams to assist you with SEO, Social Media Marketing, PPC Campaign Management, Content Marketing and more. To learn more about our services, visit our website.

1 Comment

  • Dai software
    Posted 31 March 2021 11:15 am 0Likes

    Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.

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